Computers 2 - Budget Project



Congratulations!  You have just recently graduated from college and now have your first job!  To better organize your finances you are going to set up a budget that will help you plan for your spending for the next year!   You will have a monthly net income of $1500.


Your job is to create a spreadsheet that shows your budgeted items and amounts.  To help you get started below are a list of some items that you will need to budget for:


Car:        Car Payment          Gas         Insurance


Home:    Rent        Renters Insurance


Personal:              Food       Entertainment       Personal Care        Gifts        Clothing                 Miscellaneous      Savings


Utilities:                Phone     Electricity              Water/Garbage


·                     You are to come up with 4-6 more expense items of your own for your budget.


·                     Some of your budgeted items will be fixed expenses (the same amount each month) and some of your budgeted items will be variable (different each month).  For example, Your car payment and rent will be the same each month (Fixed).  Other items such as Electricity and phone will be different each month (summer and winter months electricity will be higher)


·                     Use formulas to:

ü       Total each months’ expenditures

ü       Total each budgeted item for the year

ü       Automatically figure your savings for the month (Monthly Salary – Total Expenditures)










Monthly Budget















 $   400.00






Car Payment

 $   300.00







 $     60.00




















Total Expenses








 $   115.00









·                     When your spreadsheet is complete you are to create the following charts and graphs:

ü       A pie chart showing Julys’ expenditures (use labels and values)

ü       A  bar graph showing the years total expenditures

ü       A bar graph showing the years total savings by month